Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Welcome to the Dakotas Diary Blog!

Friends in Christ,

One of the tenets John Wesley taught his Methodists to embrace was connectionalism: the concept that we, as the body of Christ, are bound together by the common purpose of reaching out to the world through mission and ministry.

Connectionalism manifests itself in numerous ways throughout our church, and this Lent, I invite all of us in the Dakotas Conference to start "connecting" in a new way.

By now, you're accustomed to receiving my Dakotas Diary via e-mail. Well, we're taking it a step further by posting the Diary on this blog. My hope is that you'll "talk" about the various topics with your fellow Dakotans and engage in conversation together.

Bishop Deb


Anonymous said...

If anyone has any questions about how to post a comment, please send an e-mail to dakumcom@dakotasumc.org and I'll walk you through it!

Laura Owen
Associate Director of Communications
Dakotas Annual Conference

Martha said...

I'm so glad to be able to "connect" in this way! Let us Lent together.

Anonymous said...

"We are chosen in the community of Christ - in love." As we all well know loving is sometimes "tougher than nails." To speak the truth or receive the truth in love can only be done as we are empowered by God's Grace. One person has said that "In authentic argument you have to be willing to put your views at risk." --Christopher Lasch